The Plan is this: this summer, I am going to start shopping vintage. Thrift stores, Vintage shops, eBay, Etsy, iOffer, you name it, I'm there.
Here are a couple of reasons why you should shop vintage too(Scroll down if you want more recent options):
1. Recycle!- The average family gets rid of twenty bags of clothing every year! Why not send it on over to the thrift shop, get some new duds and DIY to your heart's content? If you feel weird about wearing used clothing, steam clean it!(The cheapest way is to throw a wet towel and the items into a dryer and allow the steam to get to work)
2. Save Money!- Its true that many vintage items are quite expensive, but there are many places online (eBay!!! Etsy!) and offline (Thrift shops, Consignment shops, Flea markets, Swap meets, etc.) that sell cheap items. Also many shops allow you to trade your clothes for "new" clothes. Where else will you get a pair of perfectly worn cowboy boots? H&M? NOT!
3. Uniqueness!- You read that right, the chance of bumping into someone else wearing that cute 1970's sundress are next to nothing. Also many vintage items were handmade, so it'd be impossible to find someone else wearing the exact same dress!
4. DIY!- Nothing says "DIY me" like a Evening gown that can become a fabulous day dress with a couple of snips and tucks. Hey, you can even sell your refashioned creations!
Okay for the ladies who aren't really into the vintage thing, there is a store you MUST check out, its called Platos closet and they sell only recent brand name products for severely discounted prices. They also do these big events where you pay one flat price for as many items you can fit into oneshopping bag (Down here it's $20). While the store is aimed at the teen to young adult category, many adults find things they like in the shop as well. Did I mention that it's a thrift shop? See if there are any stores near you:
Plato's Closet

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